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Annual Franchisee Conference

Pudgies Famous Chicken

At the end of each year, the Ritter's Frozen Custard chain hosts their Annual Franchisee Conference in order to bring franchise owners together with each other and their parent company TRUFOODS to review the past year's performance, discuss further opportunities, improve skills and increase overall business profitability. An introduction to new product marketing and operational improvements for the coming year is also provided.

This year's conference promises to be an exciting one! The mood is high as we assist in the preparation of materials for this event because 2012 has been a banner year for Ritter's, and mellen & jayne is proud to have been an integral part of that success. Working with with COO Fred Kirvan and 2012 marketing manager Abigail Byrom, they drove sales higher than in any previous year by combining new and immensely improved design work with better, more creative marketing strategies.

Sales are up at least 15% overall. Our cake sales have increased even more dramatically — one store told me that they used to sell just a few cakes per month, and now they cannot make them fast enough!"
— Abigail Byrom,
TRUFOODS Marketing Manager, 2012.

Shown at left are two slides from the presentation which highlight some of the best of 2012, including:

  • Monthly LTOs
  • Monthly "Cake of the Month" program
  • Redesigned store menu boards
  • New in-store promotions
  • Building exterior redesign
  • Development of a catering brochure

Franchisees will learn about the new and exciting programs and features that are planned for 2013 at the conference, but we''re not at liberty to share those just yet.

Stay tuned!

Ritter's Year in reviewRitter's Year in review